An Avant-garde Technology In Front Of Us Again, Claims To Have Flourished A Next Generation Mobile Phone That Is Transparent & See-through.
Transparent Mobiles
Polytron Technologies is a Taiwanese company which is ready to baffle our minds with its upcoming translucent cell phone. It has claimed to launch it by the end of the year 2013. It is already marketing its multi-touch system to the public.
How it works?
The phone-makers told that they are using a Switchable Glass Technology that helps in achieving their goal. It is actually a conductive “Organic Light-emitting Diode” (OLED) which makes use of liquid crystal molecules to exhibit pictures. The images these liquid crystals generate are vivid and flamboyant and as a result the picture quality improves.
A switched-off cell will make the molecules settle in a milky amalgam aligned together but they start arranging themselves to produce images, texts, icons and figures once the phone turns on and the electric current passes from crystalline wires too.
Operating System
Reports reveal that the crew is working on their toes to make it happen soon, but software or operating system for this phone is not yet featured. A Japanese company has recently used the transparent Liquid Technique to develop a wristwatch; it might help the transparent mobile developers to grab their idea and use it in the forthcoming phone.
Layout of the future Polytron Technology
According to the schemes of this mobile-making firm, crystal-clear mobile is in the making and going to unveil soon in the fall of 2013. Reports however, suggest that the company has even greater aims to take the “transparent technology” in the future. Sam Yu is the general manager at Polytron Tech, he insisted to trust on him about the arrival of this new phone very soon. He said,
“’It will happen near the end of 2013. Trust me”
Some segments of this phone are still opaque like the camera, microphone, battery, SD and SIM card. These parts are planned to hide beneath a” dark glass” cover when the model comes to the markets. The company is also making an unnoticeable lithium-ion battery for adding more charm to its outlook.
Transparency is the major hit in this phone while in terms of performance, there are no major changes. On criticism about its working, research director of the Current Analysis, Avi Greengart said:
“Display quality is paramount”
…and “if the display quality is not up to par with the best of today’s AMOLED and LCD screens, a phone using it won’t sell even for its novelty value.’’
Mr. Yu is in high spirits and planning to take this technology further by producing a transparent tablet in some weeks.